- Month names
Jānwōde Pāpode M̧aaj Eprōļ Māe Juun Juļae O̧kwōj Jeptōm̧ba Oktoba Nobōm̧ba Tijem̧ba
- Month abbreviations
Jān Pāp M̧aa Epr Māe Juu Juļ O̧kw Jep Okt Nob Tij
- Weekday names
Jabōt M̧ande Juje Wōnje Taije Bōlaide Jādede
- Days abbreviated
Jab M̧an Juj Wōn Tai Bōl Jād
Example: Sun\nMon\nTue\nWed\nThu\nFri\nSat
- Date and Time format
Example: %a %d %b %Y %r %Z (=Thu 04 Aug 2006 09:00am CET)
Approx. output of current value: Jād 22 M̧aa 2025 08:13:54 PM CET
- Date format
Example: %m/%d/%Y
Approx. output of current value: 22/02/2025
- Time format
Example: %r
Approx. output of current value: 08:13:54 PM
- AM/PM designations
Example: AM\nPM
- 12-hour Time format
Example: %I:%M:%S %p