comment_char % escape_char / % WARNING: This file has been autogenerated by the Locale Helper application. % Check it carefully and then remove this warning before using it in % production. % This file is part of the GNU C Library and contains locale data. % The Free Software Foundation does not claim any copyright interest % in the locale data contained in this file. The foregoing does not % affect the license of the GNU C Library as a whole. It does not % exempt you from the conditions of the license if your use would % otherwise be governed by that license. LC_IDENTIFICATION title "Miskito language locale for Nicaragua" language "Miskito" territory "Nicaragua" revision "1.0" date "2016-08-20" category "i18n:2012";LC_IDENTIFICATION category "i18n:2012";LC_CTYPE category "i18n:2012";LC_COLLATE category "i18n:2012";LC_TIME category "i18n:2012";LC_NUMERIC category "i18n:2012";LC_MONETARY category "i18n:2012";LC_PAPER category "i18n:2012";LC_MEASUREMENT category "i18n:2012";LC_MESSAGES category "i18n:2012";LC_NAME category "i18n:2012";LC_ADDRESS category "i18n:2012";LC_TELEPHONE END LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_CTYPE copy "es_NI" END LC_CTYPE LC_COLLATE copy "es_NI" END LC_COLLATE LC_TIME % siakwa kati, kuswa kati, kakamuk kati, lî wainhka kati, lih mairin kati, lî kati, pastara kati, sikla kati, wîs kati, waupasa kati, yahbra kati, trisu kati mon "siakwa kati";/ "kuswa kati";/ "kakamuk kati";/ "l wainhka kati";/ "lih mairin kati";/ "l kati";/ "pastara kati";/ "sikla kati";/ "ws kati";/ "waupasa kati";/ "yahbra kati";/ "trisu kati" % siakwa kati, kuswa kati, kakamuk kati, lî wainhka kati, lih mairin kati, lî kati, pastara kati, sikla kati, wîs kati, waupasa kati, yahbra kati, trisu kati abmon "siakwa kati";/ "kuswa kati";/ "kakamuk kati";/ "l wainhka kati";/ "lih mairin kati";/ "l kati";/ "pastara kati";/ "sikla kati";/ "ws kati";/ "waupasa kati";/ "yahbra kati";/ "trisu kati" day "sandi";/ "mundi";/ "tiusdi";/ "wensde";/ "tausde";/ "praidi";/ "satadi" abday "san";/ "mun";/ "tius";/ "wens";/ "taus";/ "prai";/ "sat" week 7;19971130;7 first_weekday 1 first_workday 2 d_t_fmt "%a %d %b %Y %T %Z" d_fmt "%d//%m//%y" t_fmt "%T" am_pm "VM";"NM" t_fmt_ampm "%I:%M:%S %p" date_fmt "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" END LC_TIME LC_NUMERIC copy "es_NI" END LC_NUMERIC LC_MONETARY copy "es_NI" END LC_MONETARY LC_PAPER copy "es_NI" END LC_PAPER LC_MEASUREMENT copy "es_NI" END LC_MEASUREMENT LC_MESSAGES copy "es_NI" END LC_MESSAGES LC_NAME copy "es_NI" END LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS copy "es_NI" END LC_ADDRESS LC_TELEPHONE copy "es_NI" END LC_TELEPHONE